Social Stock Exchange(SSE):
Social Stock Exchange(SSE) is a platform that allows investors to invest in select social enterprises or social initiatives.
Social Enterprise is a revenue-generating business. The primary aim of social enterprise is to achieve a social objective such as providing healthcare or clean energy.
Aim: To help social and voluntary enterprises to raise capital in form of equity or debt or a unit of the mutual fund.
Global Examples: SSE exists in countries such as Singapore, UK among others. These countries allow firms operating in social sectors to raise risk capital.
India: The proposal to set up SSEs in the country was first floated during the Union Budget in 2019.
In 2019, SEBI constituted a group under the chairmanship of Tata group veteran Ishaat Hussain.
In 2020, SEBI again set up the Technical Group(TG) under Harsh Bhanwala, ex-Chairman, NABARD. This time for getting further expert advice and clarity on SSE. This committee has submitted its report.