SIPRI Global Arms Report – UPSC Prelims

  • SIPRI stands for Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • It is an independent international institute established in 1966 in Stockholm, Sweden.
  • It is dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament.
  • Global Arms Report:
    • The total sales by the Top 25 arms manufacturers rose by 8.5% to $361 billion or 50 times the annual budget of the UN’s peacekeeping operations. NOTE: This point can be used in Essays and answers on topics like Terrorism, Peace etc.
    • US and Chinese companies dominated the global arms market in 2019 with American firms accounting for 61% of sales ahead of China’s 15.7%.
    • For the first time, West Asia made its appearance among the 25 biggest weapons manufacturers.
  • Report on India:
    • Second Largest Arms Importer: India remains the second largest arms importer after Saudi Arabia.
    • Decrease in Arms Imports: HoweverIndia’s arms imports have decreased by 33 % between 2011-15 and 2016-20.
      • Reason: The decrease in arms imports is mainly due to complex and lengthy procurement processes. Also, India is attempting to reduce its dependence on Russian arms by diversifying its network of arms suppliers.
    • India’s Arms Imports: India’s top three arms suppliers during 2016-20 were Russia (accounting for 49% of India’s imports), France (18%), and Israel (13%).
      • The US was the 4th largest arms supplier to India. Its imports to India reduced by 46% between 2016-20.
    • India’s Arms Exports: India accounted for 0.2% of the share of global arms exports during 2016-20. It makes the country the world’s 24th largest exporter of major arms. Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Mauritius are the top recipients of Indian military hardware.
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