Shaphari Scheme – UPSC Prelims

Shaphari Scheme:
  • Shaphari is a Sanskrit word that means the superior quality of fishery products suitable for human consumption.
  • Purpose: It is an Antibiotics free Certification Scheme. It certifies hatcheries and farms for the production of antibiotic-free shrimp products. By doing that, it aims to:
    • enhance the consumer confidence,
    • meet international standards
    • promote hassle-free export
  • Launched by: Marine Products Export Development Authority(MPEDA)
  • Based on: The scheme is based on the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization’s technical guidelines on aquaculture certification.
  • Components: The scheme will have two components:
    • Certifying hatcheries for the quality of their seeds and
    • Separately approving shrimp farms that adopt the requisite good practices.
  • Significance: The certification of fish hatcheries under the Shaphari Scheme will help farmers easily identify good quality seed producers. Those who successfully clear multiple audits of their operations shall receive a certificate for a period of two years.
Why was this Scheme launched?
  • India is the second-largest fish producer in the world.
  • Fish Sector provides employment to 14 million people in harvesting, processing packaging, and distribution.
  • Frozen shrimp is the largest exported item from India. It constitutes 50.58% in quantity and 73.2% in terms of total U.S. dollar earnings from the sector during 2019-20.
  • India exported frozen shrimp worth almost $5 billion in 2019-20 to the U.S. and China — its biggest buyers.
  • Major Producing States: Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu are the major shrimp producing States.
  • However, a combination of factors had hurt export volumes in recent months including container shortages and incidents of seafood consignments being rejected because of food safety concerns. Hence, the scheme was launched.
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