About Jaapi:
Jaapi is a conical hat made of bamboo and covered with dried tokou leaves (Tokou is a palm tree found in the rainforests of Upper Assam).
Jaapi is most often used in official functions in Assam to felicitate guests.
Jaapi is also used by farmers in Assam. They used them to protect themselves from the harsh weather, both sun and rain, while working in the fields.
About Xorai:
Xorai is essentially a tray with a stand at the bottom with or without a cover. It can be found in every Assamese household.
Xorai is primarily used as an offering tray during prayers. They are also used to serve tamale-paan (betel-nut) to guests.
It is also presented along with the jaapi and gamosa while felicitating someone.
Made of: The bulk of xorai in Assam are made in the state’s bell metal hub Sarthebari in the Bajali district.
About Gamosa:
Gamosa is an article of significance for the people of Assam. It is generally a white rectangular piece of cloth with primarily a red border on three sides and red woven motifs on the fourth.
Made: Cotton yarn is the most common material used for making gamosa. But on special occasions, they are also made from Pat silk.
Uses: It can be used at home as a towel (uka gamosa) or in public functions (phulam/floral gamosa). This is also used to felicitate dignitaries or celebrities.