Integrated Scheme for Agriculture and Marketing (ISAM)

Ministry/Department: Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Related to : Agricultural marketing
  • to promote creation of agricultural marketing infrastructure by providing backend subsidy support to State, cooperative and private sector investments;
  • to promote creation of scientific storage capacity and to promote pledge financing to increase farmers’ income;
  • to promote Integrated Value Chains to provide vertical integration of farmers with primary processors;
  • to use ICT as a vehicle of extension to sensitize and orient farmers to respond to new challenges in agricultural marketing;
  • to establish a nation-wide information network system for speedy collection and dissemination of market information and data on arrivals and prices for its efficient and timely utilization by farmers and other stake holders;
  • to support framing of grade standards and quality certification of agricultural commodities to help farmers get better and remunerative prices for their graded produce;
  • to catalyze private investment in setting up of agribusiness projects and thereby provide assured market to producers and strengthen backward linkages of agri-business projects with producers and their groups; and
  • to undertake and promote training, research, education, extension and consultancy in the agri marketing sector.
Agri Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) is the most important sub-scheme of ISAM.

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