Freedom in the World Report 2021 – UPSC Prelims

  • Released by USA based human rights watchdog Freedom House, which is largely funded through USA government grants, has been tracking the course of democracy since 1941.
  • Scores are Based on:
    • Political rights indicators such as the electoral process, political pluralism and participation and government functioning.
    • Civil liberties indicators related to freedom of expression and belief, associational and organisational rights, the rule of law and personal autonomy and individual rights.
    • Countries are declared as “free”, “partly free” or “not free”.
  • India’s status has been downgraded to “Partly Free” from “Free”
  • Reasons for India’s Fall:
    • Freedom of Media decreased
    • Elevation of Hindu Nationalist Interests
    • Internet Freedom decreased
    • Covid Response was arbitrary; Blamed Muslims
    • Crackdown on Protesters
    • Uttar Pradesh’s law prohibiting forced religious conversion
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