Eco-Sensitive Zone:
It is created to act as a buffer for further protection in an area within 10 kms around Protected Areas (PAs) such as National Parks and Wildlife sanctuaries.
In case of places with sensitive corridors, connectivity and ecologically important patches, crucial for landscape linkage, even areas beyond 10 km width can be included in the eco-sensitive zone.
Activities around such areas are regulated and managed so as to protect the environment.
ESZ is notified under Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest.
ESZ Guidelines classify activities under three categories:
Prohibited: Commercial Mining, Setting of Saw Mill, Setting of industries causing pollution, establishment of major hydroelectric projects etc.
Regulated: Felling of Trees, Establishment of hotels and resorts, erection of electrical cables, drastic change of agricultural systems etc.
Permitted: Ongoing agriculture and horticulture practices by local communities, rain water harvesting, organic farming etc.
Many states are opposed to ESZ because of presence of minerals and resources side by side.
Local people in many areas are also opposed to ESZ for loss of livelihood due to restriction placed by it on various activities