Ministry: Ministry of Communications
DARPAN stands for The Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India
DARPAN is Information Technology (IT) modernisation project aimed at realising financial inclusion of un-banked rural population. It offers core banking services to the account holders.
- The project intends to provide low power technology solution to each branch postmaster (BPM).
- This will enable each of approximately 1.29 lakhs branch post offices (BOs) to improve service delivery.
- It aims to increase rural reach of Department of Posts (DoP) and enable BOs to increase traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance and Cash Certificates.
- It also aims to improve mail operations processes by allowing for automated booking and delivery of accountable article.
- It will also increase revenue using retail post business and provide third party applications and make disbursements for social security schemes such as MGNREGS.