India and Bangladesh have several Border Haats across the border.
Border Haats (or rural market) aims at promoting the well-being of the people dwelling in remote areas across the borders of two countries.
It seeks to establish traditional system of marketing local produce thorough local markets in local currency or according to barter basis.
Though trade carried in this informal market is not significant in terms of percentage of bilateral trade, but these local measures help to improve economic well-being of marginalised sections of society.
Border haats along India-Banlgadesh border are established under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed for Border Trade and Border Haats between both countries in October 2010.
India and Bangladesh had signed MoU on Border Haats in April 2017 for establishment of Joint Committee to review border haats operations, suggest modifications in operational modalities and propose new locations of Border Haats.