Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA)

Implemented by : ICARĀ  (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
The objectives of ARYA project are
  1. To attract and empower the Youth in Rural Areas to take up various Agriculture, allied and service sector enterprises for sustainable income and gainful employment in selected districts,
  2. To enable the Farm Youth to establish network groups to take up resource and capital intensive activities like processing, value addition and marketing, and
  3. To demonstrate functional linkage with different institutions and stakeholders for convergence of opportunities available under various schemes/program for sustainable development of youth
Factual Information:
  • Implemented via Krishi Vigyan Kendras (One in each district)
  • Training given in Apiary, Mushroom, Seed Processing, Soil testing, Poultry, Dairy, Goatry, Carp-hatchery, Vermi-compost etc

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