Various Applications of Drones:
Carrying out everyday tasks like:
fertilizing crop fields on an automated basis,
monitoring traffic incidents,
surveying hard-to-reach places among others.
Drones can make medicine delivery more accessible and faster, especially in distant locations. Drone delivery of medical goods and time-sensitive transplant organs will also aid in improved resource management of limited supplies.
E.g. Telangana government’s ‘Medicine from the sky’ programme.
Inventory Management
Drones are being used to scan inventory at warehouses.
These machines, which are coupled with sensors, can quickly monitor and transmit data in real-time to enterprises, allowing them to manage warehouses efficiently.
Security and Surveillance
Drones can be used for critical surveillance and intelligence gathering as well, thanks to their remote monitoring capabilities.
They can also be used to inspect and offer real-time footage at construction sites.
Disaster Management
In the event of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or flood, authorities can dispatch drones to monitor the affected areas.
Drones can potentially be used as a social rescue device, detecting and directing trapped persons to safe regions.