Indian Government has presented the draft Arctic policy.
Pillars of the Policy: India’s Arctic policy will rest on five pillars:
Science and research
Economic and human development cooperation
Transportation and connectivity
Governance and international cooperation
National capacity building
Key Objectives:
To better understand the scientific and climate-related linkages between the Arctic and the Indian monsoons.
To promote domestic scientific research capacities by expanding earth sciences, biological sciences, geosciences, climate change and space-related programmes, dove-tailed with Arctic imperatives in Indian Universities.
To put in place Arctic-related programmes for mineral/oil and gas exploration in petroleum research institutes. It also aimed at encouraging tourism and hospitality sectors to engage with Arctic enterprises.
Significance of Arctic Policy
Other than the benefits related to oil and exploration, the Arctic influences tropical climate also. It has an impact on the atmospheric, oceanographic and biogeochemical cycles of the earth’s ecosystem.
Loss of Ice-Caps at the Arctic will lower the Ocean salinity and increase the temperature differential between land and oceans in the tropical regions.
The Study on the Arctic will also be helpful in studying melting rates of the third pole — the Himalayan glaciers.
History of India And The Arctic:
India’s engagement with the Arctic began in 1920 when it signed the Svalbard Treaty in Paris.
In 2007, India launched its first scientific expedition to the Arctic.
In 2008, India had set up a research station ‘Himadri’ in the international Arctic research base at Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Himadri is manned for about 180 days a year.
IndArc, the country’s first multi-sensor moored observatory was deployed in Kongsfjorden in 2014. In 2016, India’s northernmost atmospheric laboratory was established at Gruvebadet.