Day 118 Targets
(1). Buffer Day:
Today has been kept as a buffer day. You can complete anything which is left or revise.
(2). Read any One Newspaper : Just read, don’t make notes. We will provide notes from today’s newspaper in your Onenote/ Evernote directly. Notes from today’s newspaper will be uploaded in night.
(3). Current Affairs : Read yesterday’s current update from your IAS4Sure notes in Onenote / Evernote
(4). Attempt Daily Revision Test here .Test will be available at 6:00 PM. You can attempt it anytime after that. Test contains 10 MCQs from above topics and 5 MCQs from yesterday’s current notes.
You can ping your assigned mentors on whatsapp / telegram in case you have any doubts.
Contact 6397107065 via Whatsapp / Telegram or email to if you have any query.