Tips / Hacks to increase your chances in Prelims


  • Apparently, original post was giving a wrong message that cracking Prelims is a cakewalk with these tips. Hence editing.
  • This post does not suggest you to leave studying and bank on these tips to clear this exam. These tips are like performance boosters. And as all performance boosters have their side effect, these tips also have their side effects. They may backfire.
  • Do not apply them before practicing. Take last years paper and find out whether they work for you or not.
  • Lastly, use them at your own risk.

Purpose of the post:

  • To give you a different perspective of looking at questions
  • To give a message that questions (with keywords) which you have never heard, can be attempted with common sense and you should read entire question
  • If you are stuck at 50-55 questions (means you have very bleak chance of clearing) and you have to attempt some more questions, these trick might be handy in that situation
  • If you are doubtful about your answer(happens many times), you can reinforce your choice with these tricks and decide what to mark.

I will explain these tricks by taking CSP 2015 paper as an example. I will apply this trick on the questions and will try to explain my thought process while doing this so that you can understand better. Sorry for being lengthy as there are 34 questions which are to be explained. But, rest assured, these few minutes will be worthwhile if you are able to understand these tricks.

So, lets begin 🙂

What are the things that you will need to be able to follow this tricks:

  • Common sense : Just read every question with an open mind. Think it like a normal Indian/human and apply the logic.
  • Understand the psychology of paper setter : Understand what would the examiner have thought while framing the questions
  • Interlink : After reading a question, don’t limit yourself that this is the question from a particular topic say Forests in Geography which I have not read and that’s why I should not attempt it. Be logical and use your common sense to apply all your knowledge to eliminate the options.
  • Be smart : If you don’t know the answer, then cross out the options which you know that are wrong and then make a smart guess with rest of the options. You can read it here why you should make blind guesses in prelims.

You will be able to understand these things better when I will explain each question.

Questions that you can solve with just common sense:

61 .Who/Which of the following is the Custodian of the Constitution of India?
a) The President of India
b) The Prime Minister of India
c) The Lok Sabha Secretariat
d) The Supreme Court of India

Hack : I have put it at first place because it is one of the simplest questions and surprisingly this question has created most debate in various forums and websites. While, this questions should be attempted correctly with in 5 seconds, many aspirants ( and even coaching) got it wrong.

To me, its just simple common sense, when we hear about Constitution in news/debates anywhere, whose name comes along with it. Its SC. How often does we hear President’s name when there is some Constitutional debate going on, never. And, to me that settles it. Answer is D.

Learning : Don’t read too much into questions. Sometimes they are simple and intently so. Most people do mistakes when they try to think that UPSC questions  can’t be that easy.

8. In the Index of Eight Core Industries, which one of the following is given the highest weight?
a) Coal Production
b) Electricity generation
c) Fertilizer Production
d) Steel Production

Hack : It is simply not possible to remember all indices and which component carries what weight. If you think, why would a component will be given highest weight-age. Because that component is most widely used and any change in that component would have most impact. So, with this logic, you can out-rightly remove Fertilizer from options. Now, among coal, fertilizer and steel which component is most widely used around you. That is electricity. So Electricity is the answer. If you know that services sector contributes 60% of GDP than you can mark electricity with even more surety.

19 .With reference to ‘dugong’, a mammal found in India, which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. It is a herbivorous marine animal.
2. It is found along the entire coast of India
3. It is given legal protection under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 3
d) 3 only

Hack : Look out for words like Entire, Total, Only etc which tend to be too sweeping in their scope. How is it possible that one animal is found along entire coastline of India (some 7500 km). So, you can remove option 2 straight away. Now, you are left with 2 options. Even if you don’t know anything about them, just mark one of the two. Read post given above why you should do that. Its simple maths.

70 .Tides occur in oceans and seas due to which of the following?
1. Gravitational Force of the Sun
2. Gravitational Force of the Moon
3. Centrifugal Force of the Earth

Select the correct answer using the code given below
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2, and 3

Hack: Now this is some stupid question. Even if you have zero knowledge about what tide is and what causes it, you can do this question correctly. Here is the trick: If Gravitational force of either Sun or Moon is the cause, then other also becomes the right choice because its basic science. If force by one body is a reason for something, then what is stopping the force from other body to be the reason. So either both (1) and (2) are wrong or both are right. Since there is no 3 only option, you can mark option D with full confidence. And, Sir and Mams, that is the right answer 🙂

83. “To uphold and protect the Sovereignty Unity and Integrity of India” is a provision made in the
a) Preamble of the Constitution
b) Directive Principles of State Policy
c) Fundamental Rights
d) Fundamental Duties

Hack: Here again you need to read the question carefully. That statement itself sounds like its telling normal people to do something, to protect their country. So, it must be a Fundamental Duty, it can’t be a Fundamental right. Not much helpful, but still helpful when you are in doubt that whether to mark (D). or (A).

97. Which one of the following best describes the main objective of ‘Seed Village Concept?
(a) Encouraging the farmers to use their own farm seeds and discouraging them to buy the seeds from others
(b) Involving the farmers for training in quality seed production and thereby to make available quality seeds to others at appropriate time and affordable cost
(c) Earmarking some villages exclusively for the production of certified seeds
(d) Identifying the entrepreneurs in village and providing them technology and finance to set up seed companies

Hack: Here, first thing is, don’t leave the question just by reading the first statement. Many people don’t even read options when they read “Seed Village Concept” and think they have not heard about that thing. Let me tell you, 99.99% people in India would not have heard about that before this question. Key is to read all the options and apply your common sense.

Now (a). tells farmers to use their own seed. Seriously, have you ever heard of that, if its true, then why does government have so many schemes running to increase availability of seeds. So, it is wrong.

(c). Ok. Let us assume that it is done. A village only produces seeds and nothing else. What would they eat? Who will manage their foods needs, what would their cattle eat daily (their food is perishable which has to be grown locally). So, its a very remote chance that it is true.

(d). Wow, Seed companies!! And by entrepreneurs in village. So, it is wrong.

So, we are left with option (B) which is the most sensible option among all. So mark it.


Questions where you can remove 2 options:

Never leave questions when you are able to remove 2 questions. It is simple maths. Read post given above.

66. Consider the following statements

1. The winds which blow between 30 degrees N and 60 degrees S latitudes throughout the year are known as westerlies.
2. The moist air masses that cause winter rams in North-Western region of India are part of westerlies.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Hack : Even if you have very little knowledge of latitudes, you will know that there can’t be any wind which flows from 30 N to 60 S. So, 1 is definitely wrong. So, we are left with option (b) and (d). Mark any one of them. Don’t leave it.


81. With reference to India economy, consider the following statements:
1. The rate of growth of real Gross Domestic Product has steadily increased in the last decade.
2. The Gross Domestic Product at market prices (in rupees) has steadily increased in the last decade
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Hack : Here, you need a little knowledge of economy. You just need to know that “Market Price” is linked somehow to “Inflation”. If you know that much, you can remove 2 options. You know that inflation have never decreased in India (only inflation rate has decreased). If inflation is there, that means market prices will increase and thus (2). is correct. So, only option (b) and (c) can be true.

87. Which reference to inflation in India, which of the following statements is correct?
a) Controlling the inflation in India is the responsibility of the Government of India only
b) The Reserve Bank of India has no role in controlling the inflation
c) Decreased money circulation helps in controlling the inflation
d) Increased money circulation helps in controlling the inflation

Hack : Clearly one of the options (c) or (d) is correct because they are exact opposite of each other. If one is wrong, other must be right :).

90. The substitution of steel for wooden ploughs in agricultural production is an example of
a) labour-augmenting technological progress
b) capital-augmenting technological progress
c) capital-reducing technological progress
d) None of the above

Hack: Again same case. Option (c) and (d) are exact opposite of each other. Mark one of them if you don’t know anything else. Don’t leave it.

6. Which of the following pairs of States of India indicates the easternmost and Westernmost State?
a) Assam and Rajasthan
b) Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan
c) Assam and Gujarat
d) Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat

Hack : Actually, there is no hack here. You need to know location of any one of the four given states. Even if you know one, you can eliminate 2 options. Why I have included this question is because people just leave the question when they read the question statement. Don’t do that. Try to give stress to your mind. Even if you have never read this, even if you consider this a disgusting factual question, just think about the places where you have travelled, your friends/ family have ever traveled. Key, is, even if you are able to make sure that Gujarat is the West most or Aru. P is the East most, you can remove 2 options.

Questions where you can attempt correctly by understanding paper setter’s psychology:

17. Among the following which were frequently mentioned in the news for the outbreak of Ebola virus recently?
a) Syria and Jordan
b) Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia
c) Philippines and Papua New Guinea
d) Jamaica, Haiti and Surinam

Hack: Now, what paper setter tries to do here, he is trying to make this question tough by giving names which sound similar like (Syria and Sierra) and (Guinea and Papua New Guinea).

See, what paper setter does is, they pick some news item, frame a question statement and then frame its options. So, while framing options, first they put CORRECT option somewhere among 4 options and then imaginatively frame other 3 options. To make paper tough, he looks for word which sounds similar and prepare options from them. And, no doubt that trick works many times.

Now, how to crack right answer from it. Let us assume that you don’t know anything about the issue. Lets solve it. (Syria and Sierra) is repeated, which means one of them is in the CORRECT option. (Guinea and Papua New Guinea) is repeated, which means that is also in CORRECT option.

Now, there is only one option where (Syria and Sierra) and (Guinea and Papua New Guinea) both are present i.e option (B) and that sirs and mams is the right answer.

84. Which one of the following is the best description of the term “ecosystem”?
a) A community of organisms interacting with one another
b) That part of the Earth which is inhabited by living organisms
c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live.
d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area.

Hack : Here also same trick applies as above. There is similarity of terms in option (a) and (c). So even if you don’t know ABC of this topic, mark one of them. Don’t ever leave a question when you are able to reduce choices to 2. Again, if you want to read maths about that, read post above.

Questions where Only/Entire/Total etc. words are used:

67. With reference to ‘Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC)’, Consider the following statements:
1. It was established very recently in response to incidents of piracy and accidents of oil spills
2. It is an alliance meant for maritime security only
Which of the following statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Hack : As I told earlier, ONLY is too sweeping keyword. It restricts the scope too tightly and most often (90%) of times, such statements are wrong. So, you can eliminate 2 options straight away and mark one of the remaining two.

93. With reference to bio-toilets used by the Indian Railways, consider the following statements:
1. The decomposition of human waste in the bio-toilets is initiated by a fungal inoculum.
2. Ammonia and water vapour are the only end products in this decomposition which are released into the atmosphere.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Hack: Again there is an only in statement 2. So its wrong. How can it be only ammonia and water vaporous when we eat so much variety of food. Where does all the Carbon, phosphorous and several other micro nutrients go. So, option (b) and (c) are straight away wrong. Mark any one of the other two.

Question which can be attempted by interlinking syllabus and common sense

69. In a particular region in India, the local people train the roots of living tree into robust bridges across the streams. As the time passes these bridges become stronger. These unique ‘Living Root Bridges’ are found in
a) Meghalaya
b) Himachal Pradesh
c) Jharkhand
d) Tamil Nadu

Hack : For this question a little knowledge is required. This is an extreme factual question (although it from NCERT, but still, who remembers such stuff). What you need to know is that where does creepers, lianas etc grow which have long roots and which can climb the bridges. Obviously, roots of typical trees can’t do that. If you have basic knowledge of geography than you know that in equatorial forest such kind of stuff grows. Among the options, where do you think, such forest can be found. Yes, you are right, its Meghalaya 🙂


Questions where one option can be removed without any knowledge

54. With reference to art and archaeological history of India, which one among the following was made earliest?
a) Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneswar
b) Rock-cut Elephant at Dhauli
c) Rock-cut Monuments at Mahabalipuram
d) Varaha Image at Udayagiri

Hack : You can straight away remove option 1. As question is asking which is made earliest. Obviously, people won’t build temples first which require much advanced knowledge of architecture and basic science. So, mark one of the three others. See post above to decide whether you should attempt such questions where you have removed 1 option only.

80 “Each day is more or less the same, the morning is clear and bright with a sea breeze; as the sun climbs high in the sky, heat mounts up, dark clouds form, than rain comes with thunder and lightning. But rain is soon over.”
Which of the following regions is described in the above passage?
a) Savannah
b) Equatorial
c) Monsoon
d) Mediterranean

Hack : You can straight away remove option C. Since India has monsoon type climate and this description don’t fit in our climate. If you know little bit geography then you also know that it does not rain in Savannah. So you can remove that too. Now mark one of the others.

96. Kalamkari painting refers to
(a) a hand-painted cotton textile in South India
(b) a handmade drawing on bamboo handicrafts in North-East India
(c) a block-painted woollen cloth in Western Himalayan region of India
(d) a hand-painted decorative silk cloth in North-Western India

Hack: If you know that Kalam = Pen/Pencil than you can remove option (c).

Questions which can be attempted by just seeing options

This particular trick is risky. Let me explain this trick here first. This trick is applicable when options has numbers like

  • 1 and 3 only
  • 2 and 3 only
  • 1, 2 and 3 only
  • 1 Only

Trick here is to look for repetition of numbers.

In above 4 options, 1 and 3 is repeated 3 times which means, there are high chances that they are part of correct answer

2 is repeated 2 times, so it has lesser chance of being correct.

Now, this trick is not fool proof. But it is helpful in following scenarios:

  • When you are able to attempt only 50-55 questions with all other tricks and your knowledge. You know that you won’t be able to clear the exam with your attempts so it is worthwhile to take risk rather than being a sure shot failure.
  • When you are in doubt about some options. You know the answer but there is some doubt in your mind. You can validate your answer with this trick and mark the answer. For ex. based on your knowledge you know that 2 is right in above options, then among option (b) and (c) you should mark (c) because both 1 and 3 are repeated thrice.
  • Lets attempt some questions based on this trick.

98. There has been a persistent deficit budget year after year. Which of the following actions can be taken by the government to reduce the deficit?
1. Reducing revenue expenditure
2. Introducing new welfare schemes
3. Rationalizing subsidies
4. Expanding industries
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 only
(d) 1,2,3 and 4


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 1 time
  • 4 is repeated 1 time

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

99 .Which of the following has/have been accorded ‘Geographical Indication’ status?
1. Banaras Brocades and Sarees
2. Rajasthani Daal-Bati-Churma
3. Tirupathi Laddu
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 only 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

11. What can be the impact of excessive/inappropriate use of nitrogenous fertilizers in agriculture?
1. Proliferation of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in soil can occur.
2. Increase in the acidity of soil can take place
3. Leaching of nitrate to the ground-water can occur.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
a) 1 and 3 only
b) 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 2 times.
  • 2 is repeated 3 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 2 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

36. Consider the following rivers :
1. Vamsadhara
2. Indravati
3. Pranahita
4. Pennar
Which of the above are tributaries of Godavari?
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 2,3 and 4
c) 1,2 and 4
d) 2 and 3 only


  • 1 is repeated 2 times.
  • 2 is repeated 4 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.
  • 4 is repeated 2 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 2 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

55. With reference to Indian history, which of the following is/are the essential elementary elements of the feudal system?
1. A very strong centralized political authority and a very weak provincial or local political authority
2. Emergence of administrative structure based on control and possession of land
3. Creation of lord-vassal relationship between the feudal lord and his overlord
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 2 times.
  • 2 is repeated 3 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 2 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

64. In the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation, an initiative of six countries, which of the following is/are not a participant/ participants?
1. Bangladesh
2. Cambodia
3. China
4. Myanmar
5. Thailand
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 5

  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 2 times.
  • 4 is repeated 1 time
  • 5 is repeated 1 time

Here 1 is right by my logic and 2 and 3 are candidate for being right. So probable right answers are :

  • 1 and 2 Only
  • 1 and 3 Only
  • 1,2 and 3 Only

Now only 1 and 3 Only is available, I will mark that. And that Sirs and Mams is the right answer 🙂

71. In which of the following activities are Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites used?
1. Assessment of crop productivity
2. Locating ground water resources
3. Mineral exploration
4. Telecommunications
5. Traffic studies
Select the correct answer using the code given below
a) 1, 2 and 3 only
b) 4 and 5 only
c) 1 and 2 only
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 3 times.
  • 3 is repeated 2 times.
  • 4 is repeated 2 time
  • 5 is repeated 2 time

This is a bit tricky. But one can conclude that 1 and 2 are in the answer. So, option (b) can be removed by this trick.

72. Consider the following States:
1. Arunachal Pradesh
2. Himachal Pradesh
3. Mizoram
In which of the following states do “Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests” occur?
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

74. With reference to ‘Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’, which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. it is global partnership of governments, businesses, civil society and indigenous peoples
2. it provides financial aid to universities, individual scientists and institutions involved in
scientific forestry research to develop eco-friendly and climate adaptation technologies for sustainable forest management
3. It assists the countries in their ‘REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+)’ efforts by providing them with financial and technical assistance.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

76. With reference to an organization known as ‘Birdlife International’ which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. It is a Global Partnership of Conservation Organizations.
2. The concept of ‘biodiversity hotspots’ originated from this organization.
3. It identifies the sites known/referred to as ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is actually the correct answer. So the risk paid off here 🙂

86. With reference to India economy, consider the following :
1. Bank rate
2. Open market operations
3. Public debt
4. Public revenue
Which of the above is/are component/components of Monetary Policy?
a) 1 only
b) 2, 3 and 4
c) 1 and 2
d) 1, 3 and 4


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 2 times.
  • 4 is repeated 2 times

So with this trick we can remove option (b) since 1 should be there in the answer. Now you have take risk among other options.

But be aware that this trick fails too

95. With reference to ‘fuel cells’ in which hydrogen-rich fuel and oxygen are used to generate electricity, consider the following statements :
1. If pure hydrogen is used as a fuel, the fuel cell emits heat and water as by-products.
2. Fuel cells can be used for powering buildings and not for small devices like laptop computers.
3. Fuel cells produce electricity in the form of Alternating Current (AC).

Which of the statements given above is / are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So if I have to take risk, I will mark 1 and 3 only as right answer, which is WRONG answer. Correct answer is only 1.

60.With reference to the Union Government consider the following statements.
1. The Department of Revenue is responsible for the preparation
of Union Budget that is presented to the parliament
2. No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India
without the authorization of Parliament of India.
3. All the disbursements made from Public Account also need the Authorization
from the Parliament of India

Which of the following statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 2 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 2 times.
  • 2 is repeated 4 times.
  • 3 is repeated 2 times.

So 2 is definitely in the answer. But it does not solve the problem. We can not eliminate options here. So the trick fails here.

Consider the following :
The arrival of Babur into India led to the
1. introduction of gunpowder
2. introduction of the arch and dome in the region’s architecture
3. establishment of Timurid dynasty
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1,2 and 3


  • 1 is repeated 3 times.
  • 2 is repeated 2 times.
  • 3 is repeated 3 times.

So based on this trick I would have marked (c) 1 and 3 only, which is WRONG. Correct answer is 3 Only. So the trick fails here.

So if one followed this trick (options trick) blindly he would have been able to:

  • got 10 correct answers,
  • got 2 wrong answers
  • able to remove option of 1
  • no help in 1 question

Conclusion : It was not a bad deal.

In the end, I would like to say that these trick will not make you pass the exam if you are scoring 30/100 questions in your tests/previous attempts and you are not studying.

I would again emphasize that use these tricks on your own risk. It is also possible that some UPSC guy would read this post and design questions specifically not to fit in above criteria. So, basically use at your own risk.

These are my marks for previous three prelims that I have given (Didn’t attempt in 2013) :

I have practiced these tricks a lot and studied a lot. So, these tricks are not the only reason for above scores.

We don’t want that someone fail due to our post. So, please if you want to use them, practice them before exam. Take past year UPSC papers or few Coaching’s test papers and apply these tricks and see for yourself their utility.

All the Best!!

2 thoughts on “Tips / Hacks to increase your chances in Prelims”

  1. esprit aficionado

    Also the trick of counting the repeated options, seems highly risky. Btw have you tested it for previous year papers also?

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