Consolidated Bloc in RS

Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Hamid Ansari has recognised a group of 22 MPs belonging to smaller parties and certain


India-USA Climate Talks

The departure of the Indo-US climate talks from “equity” and “common but differentiated responsibilities” is an attempt to evade historical


Co-operative Federalism

Our Constitution ensures that topics of national importance are within the ambit of centralĀ  government but the most important points


Communal Violence Bill

Salient features of Communal violence bill: (Introduced in 2005, not passed yet). Declaration of communally disturbed areas by states and


Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2017

Context: The Parliament has passed Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2017 to strengthen corporate governance standards, initiate strict action against defaulting companies


Comparison with China

It is said that economic agents have greater confidence in the systemic stability of democracies despite overt manifestations of political

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