Just read your articles and its absolutely stunning. I have a query. I am using Laptop. Everytime I click on any above link it opens in onenote browser page. I also have One Note desktop app. How do I open it there. Also would it be saved there and will be updated as and when you will update? Also is there a way where I can find the article you have posted month wise
in context to: “Status: Incomplete. Forum discussions and aspirants answers to be covered yet”
but where is this dicussion happening??
forum tab mein to bus queries hai
yeah .. not in our forum.. there are other forums too 🙂
Just read your articles and its absolutely stunning. I have a query. I am using Laptop. Everytime I click on any above link it opens in onenote browser page. I also have One Note desktop app. How do I open it there. Also would it be saved there and will be updated as and when you will update? Also is there a way where I can find the article you have posted month wise