Role of Technology in agriculture
Crop and Soil Monitoring: Using censors or Internet of Things, for example Understanding the level of soil moisture and predicting the right time to start sowing
Predictive agriculture analytics: Predicting the amount of fertilizers needed to maximize the farm yield using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning Tools
Real time Data Analytics: To build an efficient and smart supply chain
Weather based advisories: Using data analytics to provide accurate advice to the farmers.
Pest and disease management: Through use of Drone technology along with sensors enabled with AI
Water Management: To use the water resources optimally technology is used to link irrigation facility with soil sensors
Smart Supply Chain: Applications are developed to solve the crop marketing and logistical issues, reducing the intervention of middle men, addressing price volatility, wastage, and unfair trade practices. Ex- eNAM
Quality Assessment: Use of computer vision and deep learning tool can be used to provide monitoring and grading solutions which adds value to product.