The climate change governance framework is colonial in nature and there is need to recognise the inequality of consumption to tackle the climate crisis.
Developed countries emitted most, became developed and are still emitting.
No space left for developing nations to develop using cheap technologies which are polluting.
Colonial Framework of the Climate Change Governance:
Tragedy of Commons:
Relentless consumption without regards to biodiversity leading to pollution and adverse impact on “commons” – things that all took granted as a common bounty.
Inequality in consumption:
The climate action agenda shifted the objective from equitable consumption to reduction in carbon emissions.
Development continues to be about consumption and comfort that rich people and nations enjoy.
Failure to distinguish between lifestyle and lifeline use of resource:
Whether a unit of energy lights a poor Indian household or keeps a rich Indian in air-conditioned comfort is irrelevant to climate action warriors.
Unipolar focus on technologies:
Poor people and poor countries have to access food at affordable prices; but technologies to enable this are polluting.
People who earned on polluting fuels are earlier are now advocating low carbon fuels.