Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index,2020 – UPSC Prelims

  • About the index: The index ranks 158 countries measuring their policies and actions in three areas that it said are proven to be directly related to reducing inequality:
    • Public services(health, education and social protection)
    • Taxation and
    • Workers rights.
Key Takeaways:
  • Topped by: The index has been topped by Norway followed by Denmark and Germany.
  • India: It has been ranked 129 overall in the index.
  • Public Services: In terms of its public services such as health, education and social protection, India has been ranked 141.
  • Taxation: In terms of taxation, India has been ranked 19th in the index.
  • Workers Rights: India has fared poorly in protecting labour rights and has slipped to rank 151.
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